
Hearts of iron 4 modifiers
Hearts of iron 4 modifiers

hearts of iron 4 modifiers

  • GBP’s republican flag is used when democratic and new flag for PatAut England.
  • FNG – country path to either disable unification conference from being held, or make AI FNG agree to demands more (thus increasing odds of success).
  • GRE – can now have the outcome of the Monarchy Referendum chosen.
  • Added custom difficulty settings for most major conflicts and alliances.
  • The Second American Civil War when MacArthur is in power has been reworked to try and balance the war better, as well as speed it up so the victor can influence the Weltkrieg (see Minor Monday 44).
  • The Fading Sun has been redone to use normal peace conference mechanics.
  • The new Indian tags have been imported from the (currently frozen) India Rework, allowing annexation decisions for India without needing to conquer the entire subcontinent first.
  • A new mechanic for military cooperation has been implemented for the Reichspakt’s Eastern Europe puppets, in which they can pool their resources together for distributing equipment and making common defenses.
  • Manpower and equipment values for battalions have been reverted to vanilla values, and as such are no longer inflated by 50%.
  • A lot of work has been done on various parts of the AI, including the combat defines, operation targets, agency upgrades, tech selection, and further tweaks to the production AI (specifically with regards to aircraft production and over-use of armored cars for suppression).
  • hearts of iron 4 modifiers

    Make sure to give as much detail as possible and to double check no-one has reported your issue already. Please don’t report them anywhere else, it makes our lives much easier when all bug reports are in one place.

    hearts of iron 4 modifiers

    Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron IV is still in Alpha so there will be bugs, please report any you find here:

    hearts of iron 4 modifiers

  • Unique 3D unit models for every country.
  • Thousands of handmade GFX for ideas, focuses and more.
  • Custom UI giving more options and more information.
  • Hundreds of companies and ministers for all countries.
  • Coloured portraits for every country leader and military leader.
  • Over 100 focus trees including dynamic focus trees that change during the game.
  • Hundreds of decisions both generic and nation specific.
  • Tens of thousands of new events that offer a wide range of different possibilities.
  • A reworked map with new states and provinces.
  • A completely new political system including party popularity and ministers.
  • An immersive alternative history scenario.
  • The Kaiserreich 4 Team are proud to present the most popular alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron II, Darkest Hour and Hearts of Iron IV! Originally conceived by Sarmatia in 2005, Kaiserreich has since developed into one of the most in-depth alternate history mods, with thousands of unique events, graphics, countries and even mechanics! Rewrite history (again), but this time in Hearts of Iron IV!

    Hearts of iron 4 modifiers